Wednesday, December 19, 2007

twas good...

The birthday went really well.. Betty was very thoughtful and kind to plan it all. Although there was some last minute running for the party we enjoyed being with old friends. and when i say old i mean as of 1.5 months ago when we got married.
We had a bunch of people over and snacked on a bunch of healthy stuff since one of my buddies is vegan. Also played loaded questions which got a bit dirty at a couple points. Lots of fun though. This monday we played again with a couple people we home teach, no fun compared to two nights earlier!
We also watched transformers which has become one of our favorite movies, even though it's so long. Betty and i felt important and somehow cool to have had my buddy Trent spend the night over here on our couch. haha... we're pathetic.
anyways.... we leave in the morning tomorrow (thursday) for houston. we're excited to have a vacation again. we are too spoiled. real life will hit one day. we'll be gone for one week to have an open house and then spend christmas in the warmth.

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