Wednesday, January 23, 2008

link to your backyard...

I am a bit excited to maybe have part in this new backyard blog... which i encourage all to invite. I am currently in two soil science classes (possibly one of the nerdiest things I have ever said in my life). But we are learning about soils and their compositions, etc. I am also taking an interior landscaping class which has so far been one of my favorite classes of all time. It's fascinating seeing all of the different types of plants that are on the earth. We are studying the effects they have on people's lives in the home and in offices, etc. It is incredible what they do. For example, a testing center at a university did a study once where they split their room into 2 sections and randomly sent students to either side of the wall. On one side, the room had no changes and student performance had no change. On the new side of the wall, plants were placed randomly and they noticed an average higher test score, lower stress levels,and a faster test-taking pace. Other contributions of plants is it reduces sicknesses. Work places spend tons of money trying to filter their air, but a room of about 1500 square feet, if it has just a few small indoor plants, that will do the trick, plus the other aesthetic benefits.Not to sound really fem. like my family already suggests I am, but it's very relaxing and look at all of the options you have. We get to work in the campus greenhouse this semester. Also we will be taking some of the plants home to see if we can keep them alive and well. This class is getting me pretty interested in maybe doing work in this area. My plan is to do landscape architecture and design residential and commercial landscaping, but this is a lot of fun as well. I'm slowly converting Betty to some of my ways. She has let me bring in a couple of plants already in our house, but by the time I'm done with graduate school we are going to be living in a jungle!
I have to have plants.. what can i say? I grew up in Kingwood "the livable forest" with a mom who kept tons of plants in the back yard and an older brother who has at least 30 hanging plants at his house.


I hate not having the internet at home. It makes keeping in touch with people much more difficult. I promise that when we get the internet (can't promise when) I will be better.

Getting back to school has been good for me. Last semester Betty and I took it way too easily since we were getting married. Now I'm back at it full force. It's good for me to have a demanding schedule to remind me what real life is like!

It's also good to see the financial difficulties of real life. Last semester I was free to work all the time and made a lot of money. Now time being limited, I have to balance everything yet still keep up with necessities.

Betty luckily has her new computer and has started working with Renovations in Salt Lake. She will be paid soon I hope and we can get ahead for the next month or two. I'm still at Carrabba's but getting ready to leave. It's a great job, perfect schedule (what i want i get),
good friends, good money, good food/ discounts. But it's bringing out a bad
side of me. As soon as I walk in there i say to myself "alright.. what is some customer going to do to piss me off today". And because of that, plus everyone else complaining about picky customers/ crappy tips/ etc, i am stressed and dread going back in. I've learned to whine and complain at that job.

I must admit, I have been very blessed with the job.
Also, I am majoring in landscape management and
am proud to work at a place with plants all over the roof.