The baby is born!
The purpose of my trip was a bit up in the air, but a lot of it was to see Adrian and Julianna (bro/ sister in law)'s baby. Her due date was Saturday the 27th, but as we found out yesterday at 9:15 p.m. he was either scared to come out or really happy in there.
At 9 lbs. 8 oz. he didn't want to squeeze, or he wanted to stay inside and keep eating.
He is adorable and kept his eyes open for about 15 minutes so we could see him before they took him away for testing. It was awesome to see Adrian and Julianna, they seemed a bit different and really content. Adrian looked really proud.
Next time I see him wil be in December and I'm sure he (the baby (Collin? maybe?)) will look completely different.